Monday, October 10, 2011
Better today than yesterday...
Something has left me raw.
I'm not one to enjoy feeling vulnerable. I like to keep myself protected, maybe even hidden at times. But this new rawness is refreshing. My guards are down and instead of feeling like a free fall like I would expect, it feels like I'm floating on the ocean watching the pelicans fly above me. It's relaxing and invigorating at the same time. I know this might sound crazy to a few of you, but I feel like I experienced God in a completely new way. And its left me different (as it should I suppose.)
My mind has been racing for the last few days.
How can I be better? That's what I keep coming back to. How can I better today than I was yesterday? How can I be a better friend? Daughter? Sister? Manager? Coworker? Encourager? Giver? Servant?
How can I love more?
How can I better follower of Christ today than I was yesterday?
I am in the process of making some changes.
My prayer for awhile now has been that God will break my heart for what breaks His. it is time for the next step in that. My prayer is that God can open my eyes to ways that I can be better today than I was yesterday. To have a broken heart is no good if you don't actually do anything about it. So here I go. I feel that little by little I'm seeing the possibilities and I long for them. So...I am going to be making some changes...changes for the better.
I'm writing this here so I have a record of this. I know that in the future I will be discouraged (and when I say future, I might actually mean by Friday) so I need to remind myself that its a process. And maybe just one of you would like to join me in this? We don't need to have it all figured out today, we just need to be better than we were yesterday, and tomorrow be a bit better than today. Imagine if we all could actually keep that pace. There will be set backs of course, but I'm praying that God helps us, keep taking matter how small...forward.
Monday, September 5, 2011
One Year Anniversary-A Lesson in Community
I feel like I write about the people I've met here a lot, but I just can't stress enough how thankful I am. Thankful for the random meals or concert tickets bought by friends and for the roommates who have let me pay my rent in increments each month. This year I have learned what it means to be part of a community.
I tend to like to do things independently. If I can do it alone I'd rather just tackle it myself than bother others. If you've ever seen me carry a heavy object you'd know that I'm not one to immediately ask for help. I wait until I am sure I actually cannot complete the task alone before I give in. This year has not allowed me to do that. I have had to ask for help...repeatedly. To say it's been humbling doesn't quite seem to do it justice. There were times this year when everything was up in the air, not just my present situation but also the future. I remember on particularly stressful time this past spring when I realized I only had about six months left in the protege program and literally had not one clue about what I would do after. I panicked a bit. Ok...a lot. I had to turn to others for reassurance. I tend to like being the person giving the reassurance, not receiving it. That experience (and feeling of helplessness) taught me so much about community.
Community goes two ways. You cannot fully be involved in community if you are only willing to engage in half the equation. You cannot wait for others to continually be vulnerable with you if you are never vulnerable with them. At some point, if you're really hoping for honest and true community, you must let your guard down.
I can't say I'm an expert at this yet, but I'm learning. I'm learning that sacrificial love means that once in awhile you might look like a fool, but you also might be blessed more than you could have ever imagined. I'm learning how beautiful true community is. It should be sought after, and cherished once found.
So thank you. Thank you to everyone that helped me build community here and are teaching me about true love. Thank you.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
How time flies...
- Reagan: Reagan brings joy with her everywhere she goes. I've gotten the chance to share a desk with her this year and we got to co-lead a small group this summer. Reagan's passion for creativity is infectious. She doesn't settle for what is but strives for what could be. She is also the most likely person to leave you a gift on your desk with a simple note that can make your day. I wouldn't want to have shared a desk with anyone else.
- Diana: I've gotten the opportunity to watch Diana grow this year. She started the year with so many insecurities and I've gotten to watch as one by one she tackled those head on. I'm so very proud of her. Diana also has one of the biggest hearts I've seen. Caring for others comes so naturally to her. It's simply amazing to watch her ministering to others. Its almost effortless for her.
- Davey: What can I say about Davey? I love Davey. He's a self-proclaimed cynic but he has one of the kindest, most giving hearts I've ever seen. He simply lights up when he talks about his ministry with the homeless population of DC. When others would shy away from these people on the streets, Davey is trying to come up with ways to truly bless them. It's inspiring. He's inspiring.
- Travis: Travis has taught me to think bigger. Travis is not one to settle for second best and I love that about him. Travis is also one of the first people to give God the credit. He believes strongly in the power of the Holy Spirit and that is evident within the first few moments speaking with him. He understands that ministry is about more than leadership formulas, it's about succumbing to the Holy Spirit.
- Josh: Josh has a servant's heart. He loves people and he is so welcoming. Josh radiates hospitality but in a way that pushes you. He has the ability to ask questions that push you all with amazing humility and grace. He and his wife Kelly have a passion for seeing people come to Christ and they have both been a blessing to our entire protege class.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Full Circle
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I am not an appendix.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Four Months
Friday, January 7, 2011
Christmas/ New Year Update

I’m not sure even where to begin with this entry. I just reread the letter I mailed to some of you before I moved to DC just a couple of months ago. It seems crazy because that seems like forever ago, not three months. So here I am curled up in a chair in the office at work. I feel like there is so much to tell you since my last letter, I cannot figure out where to begin.
I suppose I could start with what I have been doing for three months. Well, I hit the ground running. I arrived here at 4pm on a Wednesday and started my new position here at National Community Church at 9am the next morning, and its been a whirlwind ever since. My position is split between a few different areas. I work as a shift supervisor part time at Ebenezers (the coffeehouse the church owns). The rest of my time I work with the events that happen here at Ebenezers that range from concerts and poetry nights to luncheons with political figures. I’ve gotten to do some pretty incredible stuff. In October I had the opportunity to go to Atlanta with the NCC staff for a leadership conference and in November we all went up to Baltimore for a couple days to pray and plan for the next year.
I am living in a gorgeous row house with five other girls about two miles from work. They are great and I could not feel more blessed with my living arrangements. Seriously. I know at first that sounds like a lot of girls in one space but it has been such a blessing. They are really fantastic and each brings something really special to our house.
The people I have met here are also amazing. From the moment I arrived I have been blessed with nothing but hospitality and open arms. I knew people would be “nice” but I had no idea how welcoming and great everyone would be. These are people I would have chosen to be my friends and I get to work and do ministry with them. How amazing is that?
Over the next year I will be working on some projects for Ebenezers that really suit my passions. My direct supervisors have been great at allowing me to be a part of things that really interest me. Since my heart is really focused on the “coffee with a cause” side of Ebenezers, most of my projects will be focusing on how Ebenezers gives back to the community. This will involve not only finding ways to highlight those efforts but also finding new original ways to positively impact our neighbors, both locally and internationally.
I also want to let you know that it is not too late to help get involved. I will be in this position until the end of August, so additional support would be greatly appreciated. First, I would like to ask for your continued prayers. Thus far, your prayers have been felt and I appreciate that more than I can express. Also, I would like to invite you to help support me financially. Aside from my time working the floor of the coffeehouse, my position is unpaid. Would you please consider either supporting me over these next few months or with a one-time gift?
As a way to raise some additional funds, I have also begun selling Avon products. I chose Avon because people can make purchases from my website and have their items mailed directly to their homes. Avon also has a variety of products so there really is something for everyone. Please consider making a purchase from my website (, to not only support me but to get a little something for yourself as well!
I know that God is doing some truly awesome things here in DC and I feel so blessed to be a part of this. Please consider being a part of this as well. If you aren’t already, you can also follow my experience on this blog and twitter to keep up to date on this adventure! Thank you for being a part of my life! I cannot wait to see where 2011 takes all of us!
With love,