Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Planning Retreat 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Good for the Soul Friends

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Catalyst thoughts...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Catalyst 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Practical is Impractical.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
NCC Day number 3!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Dear Friends...
August 7, 2010
Dear Friends and Family,
I hope this letter finds you well! This summer has been a whirlwind for me with so many great things that I cannot even believe how God has been blessing me! In just a few weeks, I have some major changes that will be greatly impacting my life. I’m so excited, but let me explain from the beginning before I get ahead of myself.
In the past I have found it hard to explain to others what it is that I actually plan to do with this life God has given me. Honestly, that is because God has been slowly revealing His plan to me as well. Over the last few years I have worked for a few different coffee shops and during this time I have fallen in love with coffee (but you probably know that!) My love of coffee extends past the caffeine fix in the morning. While working in coffeehouses I have been able to observe first hand how coffee can host conversations with old friends, first dates, Bible studies or business arrangements. I have witnessed how a steaming mug of coffee cupped in someone’s hands can put a person at ease and foster deep conversations. There is also an artistry that emerges in coffeehouses that highlights creativity and encourages innovation. This love extends past the coffeehouse as well. I have learned how the coffee trade affects more than my latte and myself, but when it is Fair Trade, can change the lives of the farmers and their employees. I obviously could go on about this topic but I should probably move on before I bore you to death!
As a student at Southeastern University, I studied psychology and developed a passion for people. After I graduated I knew that I must use my life to serve others. My heart broke for the hurting and I knew that I must do something to help. During my time living in Columbus, I attended Continuum Church and got really involved in the Outreach Group. This gave me a way to show God’s love to others and serve the community. I learned that there was a place for the church in the marketplace and as Christians we should utilize these opportunities.
This brings me to where I am today. In a couple of weeks I will be graduating with my masters degree in human services concentrating on business. This degree is the perfect marriage of my two passions. Upon graduation I also have some exciting news…
For the last couple of years I have been following the ministry of Mark Batterson at National Community Church in Washington, DC. NCC owns a coffeehouse on Capitol Hill where they use the proceeds to benefit the community. They have an intense belief that because Jesus spent his time with people at the well, today’s church should do the same. They (and I) believe that a coffeehouse is a modern day well and the perfect place for the community and church to intersect. NCC also has a yearlong internship program they call their Protégé Program. I am so excited to say that I have been accepted into this program!
I cannot think of anything else I would rather do for this next year. My position will be split between working in the church’s coffeehouse, Ebenezers and with the event planner, planning community events to be hosted by Ebenezers. This position perfectly matches my schooling, past experiences, passions and future goals.
The Protégé internship program at National Community Church is a non-paid internship (though I will be paid for my part-time position at Ebenezers). DC is an expensive city and I know this seems like a crazy idea to pursue in times like these. But I also know the God we serve, and I know the doors he has opened thus far, and that He will continue to provide! With this in mind, I write asking you to support me spiritually with your prayers, and also financially. Each one of you understands my passion for ministry and know the importance of this type of opportunity.
Would you please consider supporting me financially this year, or perhaps with a one time gift? Please, please continue praying for God’s wisdom and guidance. While I am definitely a city girl, DC is a whole new world. I am so excited but almost equally as nervous. Thank God for His peace, right? It is going to be a crazy, new adventure, and I am grateful that you are along for the ride! And if you are interested, please follow my experience in DC on my blog!
With love,
135 W. Summit St.
Lakewood, NY 14750