Friday, May 14, 2010

Easter Candy

I have an amazing ability to save Easter (or Halloween) candy. I was always the kid that was still digging out chocolate eggs well into the summer. My sister was the opposite. Her basket was mostly devoured before we left for school on Monday. I had always thought my particular method of saving candy was far superior to hers. When I had a craving months later, I could simply consult my secret stash. I saved as if I believed I would desperately need a bite of chocolate and there would be none left on Earth but the few chocolate eggs in my desk drawer. (Not that that is where my stash is, so don't go checking my desk next time you need a sweet fix.)

I am a "save the best for last" person. I eat a sandwich outside in so that my last bite is the most delicious part. I eat all around a hamburger before eating the middle. In theory this is brilliant. Except when six months later I find a stale piece of candy I was saving and never got to enjoy. Or when I get full before I have finished my sandwich and have only eaten the outside and all I have left is the messy delicious center.

This principle stretches to other areas of my life as well. I have a tendency to wait. To wait too long. I want to wait until the best possible moment for everything. This is good sometimes but other times I have waited so long that all I have to show for it is a stale peanut butter egg. I'm not sure how to find this balance exactly but I have decided that I'm going to occasionally eat the best bite first. Instead of missing moments, I'm going to start enjoying them as they come. I may still wait sometimes but today...I'm going to eat my chocolate bunny.

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