Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I am not particularly fond of midterm exams but I do like the idea of periodically assessing how much I have learned. Since as of this very moment I have lived in DC for six months, four hours and 42 minutes (approximately), I thought I would share some things I have learned over this last six months. Some of these things have been life changing, some not so much. Some are deeply spiritual and am sure you will be impressed with me, others...not so much. I'm just kidding...I'm sure you'll be impressed with all the things I have learned.

Here are twelve of the things I've learned so far (in no particular order and certainly not exhaustive):

1. I love Greek yogurt. No seriously. Something changed the first time I ever tried Fage with honey. I honestly look forward to my daily yogurt. I may have a problem.

2. Walking to work can actually be really great. At first the thought of walking almost two miles to and and from work every day seemed daunting but now I actually find it rather relaxing. When I don't walk for a few days I feel myself craving a good stroll. It has also has led to the next thing I've learned.

3. People in DC are surprisingly nice. I rarely walk down the street without someone saying hello. While these are occasionally hellos from the passenger side of some guys best friend's ride (TLC anyone?) more often than not they are genuine hellos from people just passing down the street. Perhaps it has something to do with being further south then New York so people are just nicer but I find it quite refreshing and rather surprising.

4. While DC definitely has a segment of the population that classifies as the power hungry politician type, for the most part that is not the norm. Most of the people I have encountered are actually quite young (newly graduated from college) and idealistic. They are people that have come here because they have deep convictions and actually want to make a difference. They are a lot more like me than I would have ever wanted to admit before. As someone that is often rather cynical of both politics and politicians, I have found this very encouraging.

5. I have learned to navigate the DC Metro system. Public transportation was totally new to me, but it is something I've come to really appreciate about DC.

6. No one sounds good when singing with headphones in. I'm pretty sure I knew this before I came to DC but as a direct result of learning the Metro system, I am reminded of this fact daily and am sure I will not be soon to forget.

7. Don't leave your trunk open and unattended or some jerk may steal your toiletry bag.

8. Karaoke can actually be quite fun and not nearly as terrifying as I may have once imagined.

9. Great lessons can come from some surprising places. Being surrounded with such amazing teachers and communicators I had assumed that one of my most important lessons would stemmed from one of their teachings. It has come, however from a middle aged homeless man named Vondell. Vondell has been such an inspiration to me. Through him I have gotten to see God work in amazing ways. Not only did God provide housing for him, but just before that He provided a way for Vondell to go on missions trip to Jamaica to minister to others. Watching him light up as he told me that he was able to help others was not only inspiring but humbling. I could probably go on for quite awhile about the impact Vondell has had on me. Perhaps I will write more about him later. In the mean time, stop by Ebenezers and I will introduce you to him and you'll see first hand what I mean.

10. Landlords will come quickly if you say that it is raining...in your living room.

11. I've learned what calling an audible in football is. (That one is for my fellow proteges.)

12. I really don't know much at all. I have my masters degree and I think I have never felt more sure of how little I actually know about the world and about God as I do now. I am part of a small group that is discussing the basics of theology and it has succeeded in reminding me how little I actually know about God. But while I still have so much to learn about Him, He is still willing to guide me and use me. That is rather humbling...but I suppose learning humility may not be a bad thing. Perhaps in six months humility will be on the top of my list of things I've learned.