Sunday, January 9, 2011

Four Months

I have officially been in Washington, DC for four months now. That's crazy to really think about. In some ways it feels so much longer than that; in others it seems like just yesterday that I loaded my Yaris and my iPod and headed South.

People are often asking me what I plan to do after the Protege Program ends in August. In some ways I feel like this is something that I should be worrying about more than I actually am. The truth is, I really have no idea. I know what I'd like to do, but in actuality have no real plan for September 2011. I know that should stress me out. I mean, it is nine months away. In the past it would have. But if I learned in anything in 2010 it was that sometimes having no plan is the best plan of all.

I have been thinking a lot about last year this week. A year ago, I was living in West Virginia and was feeling a bit frustrated. I had absolutely no idea of where I would be in a year. Actually living in DC wasn't even on the radar a year ago. I had sort-of given up on the idea and decided it was time to be responsible and truthfully as much as I loved DC and the ministry I knew was happening here, I was afraid. The idea of moving somewhere alone so far from anyone or anything I knew, was terrifying. Odd isn't it? Odd that God continually gets me to the exact place He wants me to be despite my fears and my own stubbornness.

So 2010 ended up being a crazy ride that felt more like a decade than 12 months. In the course of those 12 months, I lived in three states, worked four different jobs, and completed my masters degree. 2010 had some really great moments. It also had some really rough moments. I was thinking about doing a top ten of 2010 but I'm not really sure where to start, it may have to be a top 20. Maybe I will work on that in the next couple of days. Anyway, if in just a few short months I can go from deciding I am not even going to try to move somewhere to living there and loving every moment of it, I cannot imagine what this next year will hold.

While I am not really the resolution type I often pick a theme for the upcoming year to focus on in each area of my life. This year that theme is discipline, as I feel that self discipline is a principle that I can apply to many areas of my life, financially, spiritually, physically, etc.

There is another theme that seems to be emerging as well.

Hope. 2011 will be a year of hope. So next year at this time, who knows what I'll be doing but I am hopeful because I know God does have a plan in spite of my own stupidness and insecurities. He has proven that in the past and I know that will also be true for the future.

So here's to 2011 and to having no plan at all! :)

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