Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Job

So I just started a new job...a new job that is totally out of my comfort zone. I am finally doing something that pertains to my degree but it is so different to really be out there rather than just studying about it. I think I will enjoy it for awhile, but certainly not forever. There is a lot of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo but I think that the interactions with clients will be rewarding.

I am working with the mentally disabled and helping to support them as they learn everyday skills such as independent bathing or making purchases independently. I am on week three of training and its quite exhausting learning so much new stuff continually. I am ready for a vacation already!

I am still praying that I get this internship in DC. I was told that they would be making selections at the end of May. I had not heard anything either way and was of course going out of my mind. I don't think it was possible to check my phone more often than I was. Lately I have even been getting ideas and a vision for what I'd like my role to be in this church...and it has really made me really excited. So I broke down and emailed them today to ask if they had made their selections yet or if they were still reviewing applications. I quickly got a reply that they were still reviewing applications and she said I would hopefully be hearing something in the next couple of weeks, complete with a smiley face. This means I might just find out on my birthday. Wouldn't that be a great present?! I honestly don't understand why I would have the desire and vision I have had recently if I wasn't supposed to be apart of this. I just would not make sense to me, unless I am supposed to be apart of this in a different way. I don't know, I just know that this is the one birthday present I am really praying for!

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